2085M KE High Security Safe - Velvet

Product code: 2085M KE Kadife


Exterior Dimensions Interior Dimensions








85 cm

55 cm

60 cm

560 Kg

48 cm

34 cm

35 cm





The armored steel Safe has a single door.

Inside the safe, there is another locked safe with a key.

Safe box TSE EN-1143-1 grade is IV out of 10.

Locking There are 3 movable spares at the front of 30 mm, 1 at the top, one at the bottom and 3 fixed spares at the rear.

The Money Safe has 1 key lock + one electronic lock as standard.

The key lock has one original and one spare key ring.

Optionally, a mechanical password can be obtained.

Optionally, a fingerprint-operated password can be installed.

Hercules lock system is available.

The inside of the case is painted with velvet textured paint.

The safe has 2 locks.

The probability of the keys to the Money Vault keys is 1/250,000.

The filling material is C50 applied concrete.

The entire area of ​​the vault cannot be cut with the oxygen supply.

The entire Section of the Safe cannot be drilled with a Drill.

High security steel safe is up to 600 o C for 2 hours in case of fire.